My intentions for this blog are to share articles and information on my experiences with Chiropractic care, natural family planning, and the ketogenic diet. Don't worry, I will cover these topics in later submissions.
Most of my articles will not be personal, so I would like to take a moment to explain how I came to those three topics. Please keep in mind that I am a human being, and I have not been perfect in any of my pursuits, but thankfully that is not a goal of mine. I welcome questions and comments at any time. Comment below, or feel free to contact me through the contact information also provided on my google+ page.
1. Chiropractic:
This may shock you, but I didn't go to the Chiropractor for the first time because I was in a car accident or in pain. I was 19 years old and my allergies were becoming a problem. I was sick every month with allergies and I felt like I was going through 2 packs of medication a month: 1 non-drowsy tablet in the morning, and 1 tablet at night. Around this time my aunt developed a tumor on her kidney, and thankfully it wasn't malignant, but it was a wake up call that I needed to be aware of the stress I was putting my kidneys under. I googled "allergy home remedy" and kept hearing about Chiropractic. I hesitated for a few months, went in for an exam, didn't go back for another month or two, then finally I went in and got adjusted. I stopped having allergy issues. Then fast forward 4 years, my boyfriend (now husband ☺️) dislocated his knee and required surgery. He was a poor college student and didn't have health coverage at the time of the accident, and I was working for a Chiropractor as a Nanny. She was really surprised when I told her of his predicament and immediately told me to have him come in. My first reaction was, "What can you do for his knee?" But then, he went in and began care. Two months later he was walking around without any help. My favorite part of her interaction with him is that she offered him HOPE. She said, "We can help your body perform at it's best." Telling a healthy, obnoxiously active man that he has to have surgery and probably can't do all of the things he loves anymore is the opposite of hope. About a year later she recommended that we check out Chiropractic school. We did, we loved it, and here we are.
2. NFP (Marquette Method):
Like many women, when I was 18, I was told I had a hormone related menstrual disorder that required a hysterectomy or birth control (what? that traumatic or something?). So, like a good patient I began taking oral birth control. During my intake from the above mentioned Chiropractor, she asked, "What condition are you taking the birth control pills for?" When I told her, she responded, "Does it help?" And I thought about it and realized that it didn't. It was supposed to make my menses shorter, or lighter, or more regular....and it really didn't. So, I went to my MD, again, like a good patient, and told him I was planning to stop. In hindsight he was incredibly understanding and supportive. I dabbled for a few years and then a wonderful friend introduced me to the Marquette method (MM). As a doctorate student who really didn't want to conceive while still in school, it's efficacy and objectivity was a huge reason why I chose it. It is AS effective as barrier method (approximately 98%). 😍
3. Ketogenic Diet:
I was 25 years old the first time it occurred to me that out of 40+ family members, I was one of the few without a thyroid medication prescription. At the time I was overweight, but I wouldn't consider myself obese at that point. I did some research on candida and chronic systemic issues, which led me to Ketosis (Keto). I did it for a month, loved it, but stopped. I did it the next year for a month, and stopped. I did it the following year for 4 months, and stopped. And now, I'm doing it for a year with the intention of keeping it going. I am very goal driven. If I was a puppy, I would be all about those treats as positive reinforcement! So every time I've started the Keto diet, I have met my goal of longevity. However, what I've noticed is that my body responds well to this eating style; and as a product I don't have plans of stopping. The ketogenic diet is described as a low carb, high fat diet. This way of eating (WOE) is based on the methodology by which your body makes/stores/uses glucose. If we consume carbohydrates, our bodies can directly use them for glucose. If we consume a low carbohydrate diet, our bodies can convert fat in our body (or if you are at a healthy weight, fat from our diets) to convert into ketones, which research dictates as a more efficient glucose producer. If you are geeking out right now, and are displeased with my usage of the term "efficient", please know that I do not mean efficient in terms of abudance, or ease of conversion, but long term sustained glucose sourcing (i.e., no sugar crashing/3pm low energy). But there will be plenty more on this topic later! The basics for now: 5% net carbohydrates, 75% fat, 20% protein. I recommend if you are interested to go to the link below to calculate exactly what that means for your daily intake, and download myfitnesspal to start tracking your carbohydrate intake. Also, those suggested macro percentages are only appropriate in certain circumstances. Please find someone you trust (or email me and I can help) to help you determine what your macros should look like.
Very excited about this blog. All 3 topics are of great interest to me! I'm desperate to learn more about the benefits and mechanisms of chiropractic care. As a physician and as the partner of a fertile woman, understanding how to help women have control over their fertility in the healthiest way possible is extremely important, under-appreciated wisdom. And of course, as a physician and a human being interested in his own health, I want to know everything I can about lifestyle and nutrition as medicine, and low carb approaches are the obvious candidate for many disease states and many lifestyles/body types.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Excited! Happy to collaborate & share!
Carlos Rivas, MD